I am pretty sure this blog has a mind of its own but it’s back so I thought I would catch everyone up into the trouble that has been the last couple of weeks.
I went back to the hospital after Canada Day and the nurses let us onto the balcony so I was able to get some really nice views of the fireworks. For the rest of the weekend I was either hanging out at the hospital or at home. Nothing exciting was happening at either one of those places. I spent a lot of time just using the walker. Also since the weather was so nice I spent alot of time outside.
So the big day after 2 and a half months I final am suppose to be released on July 5. Nothing seems to be wrong at first but the Dr. L notices that there is a small crack in my feeding tube and it is starting to cause some pain. He decided to cut the piece of tubing out. It doesn’t work and I am left in a lot of pain. It gets to the point that Kerrie is counting down until she can give me more morphine.
So I end up getting discharged on the 9th again, all of the physio work I had done is gone and I am pretty devastated. I spend most of the next couple of days in bed.