Saturday, June 26, 2010

Home Day

Home Day

So the big day has finally arrived first time home in months. Technically I am suppose to be home already but due to some red tape everywhere they are keeping me in until around July 5th. I’m not overly upset about having to spend time in the hospital but it I really could go for a full night’s sleep and here there is always something ringging. I was joking with Aaron last night that I have already fallen of the blogging wheel but I got distracted last night with my new geeky love (which is Microsoft Publisher I turn everything into clip art). The weather is really fogging out today which is a bummer but I think I get my first shopping trip to Chapters today, and mingle around some real people.

Physio wise yesterday ended up being a great day; I did stairs for the first time, which for me is the equivalent to do doing a marathon, baby steps though (or giant hills in the case). Also did a few laps around the 4th floor in the walker my balance is still pretty off but at least I know the strength is increasing, even though it feels like it is turtle pace I just need to keep reminding myself that it was only a few weeks ago that I couldn’t get out of bed and now I am going shopping.

So I think I am off getting ready for the big day (just saw that my mom has been up since 6). Thanks for everyone that started to read the blog, leave me some questions if you are curouis or have topic ideas (I think you can just post them on facebook if you don’t want a blogger account).

Happy Saturday !


  1. Love the blog, I always want more details to try to remotely understand what you are going on, so it is great to get the details. Of course, then I don't really know what to say because the details make it all just a little too real. But it makes me want to say that you're even stronger than we already knew you were and keep up the baby steps Kilby. CathyG

  2. Thanks Cathy :) hopefully this is making sense to you guys as well since it is all over the place but the missing weeks of my life are driving me crazy.
