Saturday, June 26, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well I made it through my first home visit; the parents are going to spring me again tomorrow and a few more days until I get my final discharge. The morning started off so relaxing, it is amazing how loud hospitals can be but once I got out I napped (which I never due anymore) for a few hours. Unfortunately there was a brief what the hell do I do melt down but lounging around on the couch seemed to take care of that (unless this is Stephanie from physio reading then you should know I was walking ;) the stairs continue to be man’s most terrifying invention but I’m determined I just need some sort of climbing stairs motto or song.

Spent most of the afternoon out in the sun which was beautiful, it was still pretty wintery when I left Edmonton so I haven’t had much sun time this year (whiter than Conan you could say). Towards the end of the night we went to Chapters and I got some hemp so I have something to pass the day. It was so nice to get out even the running out of morphine didn’t seem to bother me. Only draw back of the day was the fact that I lost one of my World Cup teams (South Korea). Nothing eventful happening tonight either.

During the time we spent in Edmonton/Toronto hospital I snapped a few pictures I thought some of them would be fun to share. I don't really know what I am doing here though so bare with me and I can add some life to some of these posts.

Spiderman, when I moved into my apartment in Edmonton I also gained a cat, but we had to say goodbye when I went back to Ontario and he went to live with his brother again. Kerrie made me a Spiderman 2 and this is a picture of him actually sitting in Clive.

So just as I am finally finishing this post up they make a call yellow which means missing patient. Strangely enough it fits my description almost exactly (and........never mind they just found her). The first night I was in Sudbury I woke up and there were about 6 nurses in my room at 3:30 with another patient who was telling me the nurses were going to kill her. I've been on the other side of the coin as well, convinced that the nurses were trying to kill me, it really is a terrifying thing to go through I just end up feeling bad for them.

I know that these posts are a little all over the place, but I have to say it is getting comforting doing normal things like writing and reading and going over some foggy weeks, so like I said I am doing this blog more for me then anyone else but happy you joined on for the ride. Also since it is out there I have no problem sharing with others.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday night, see you tomorrow.

Kilbys :)


  1. what a nice handi cap sister behind you blowing bubbles on you lol i read your blogs im your number one fan wooohooo im always checking for the new one

    from your brother

  2. Your blogs are great. It must be all of your English training in China!!! I may have another saying instead of 'baby steps'. I heard this from someone at work (whatever work is?? can't remember). "Gentle pressure, continuously applied". In your case it applies to fighting 'witch cancer' and may apply to steadily getting better.
    Love you Laurie
    Uncle Tom

  3. The other one I have been using is flowers grow in sand I can do anything. I have a couple of friends from Ottawa that brought up some flowers in sand.

  4. hahaha - i'm a big fan of that one... :)
